What Are Fly Predators?
Fly Predators are nature’s own enemy of all common manure and rotting organic matter breeding pest flies, including the common House Fly, Biting Stable Fly, Horn Fly, and lesser House Fly. In the natural environment Fly Predators® serve as a major check of pest fly populations by destroying the next generation of flies in their immature pupa (cocoon) stage. Fly Predators are tiny, completely biteless and stingless, and never become a pest themselves. Because of their small size and the fact they live their entire life cycle on or near manure (where the pest fly pupa are typically found), Fly Predators go virtually unnoticed.
Sprinkle Fly Predators around your manure pile, damp spots in your pastures, or near your chicken coop (but not inside!) to help keep flies down throughout the season!
Order fly predators in store today, or order online here & enter our store number 12-099-001 at check out!
Click here for a video with more information!